

  • A “page” is defined as 250 words, the industry standard for a manuscript page.
  • Before selecting a service, we offer a free 30-45 minute phone or video call to discuss your particular needs. We can always tailor a plan that works best for you.
  • We offer an additional free 30-45 minute phone or video call after the work is completed to discuss any questions or concerns you have.
  • We will request either an abstract/outline (if you’re at the conceptual phase) or a 500-1,000 word writing sample to determine the level of editing required.
  • Once you have approved the estimate, we will require a 10% deposit before work can begin.
  • While we will typically edit in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, we can edit in other formats, such as PDF, for an additional fee. 
  • Turnaround time will depend on the type of editing/formatting requested and length of manuscript.  For example, substantive editing will usually be returned to you within three to five weeks while resume or curriculum vitae editing will usually be completed within one to two weeks.


  • No one can guarantee a 100% error-free manuscript. If someone tells you they can, this is a giant red flag! Editors are human and as such, we are bound to miss something. Our brains engage in a process called “generalization” where we take in information and combine it with what we expect to see to form meaning. If our brain knows something should be there, like a specific word or punctuation, it will often fill in the gap. So, while we can’t guarantee you a perfect, error-free manuscript, we can promise to be as thorough, thoughtful, and detailed as possible.
  • While we will edit or format your work to be as polished as possible, we cannot guarantee that your work will be published, your resume will land you a job, or your admissions essay will get you into school. But we promise that we will exert every effort to make your work engaging, clear, and a true representation of you and your hard work.
  • We will not, under any circumstances, write your paper, essay, article, or application materials for you. For book manuscripts, if you are in need of a ghostwriter, please contact us to discuss the details.


Fees are subject to change.

  • Editing
    • Conceptual/Developmental: $60/hour
    • Substantive: $55/hour
    • Line: $50/hour
    • Copy/Mechanical: $0.02-$0.08 per word
    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
      • Entry level: $100
      • Mid-level: $215
      • Executive level: $400
  • Formatting
    • Thesis/Dissertation: $45/hour
    • Print manuscript: $50/hour
    • Digital manuscript: $55/hour
  • Coaching: $40-$60/hour
  • Consulting
  • Additional/Other
    • Indexing: $3.50 per indexable page
    • Plagiarism checking: $45/hour
    • Proofreading: $0.01-$0.05 per word
    • PDF editing fee: additional $25 added to estimate
    • Rush fee: 10-15% depending on time frame
  • Payment methods
    • PayPal
    • Venmo
    • Zelle
    • Certified check